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First Draft Complete!

I apologize for the gap between updates. I have been working like crazy, and am thrilled to announce that the first draft is complete! It’s been a long journey to get here, but worth every stumbling block along the way.

Throughout the past few months, I logged 135 hours to arrive at the last page of the first draft. Upon completion, I felt such a rush that I did a cartwheel in my living room!

A mountain of work lies ahead as I prepare for edits, revisions, proofreading, formatting, legal releases, and backer perk fulfillment. However, a mountain of work is already behind me as well. I am grateful for this accomplishment, and I look forward to tackling the rest of my to-do list to bring you a quality product in the end.

As always, thank you for believing in me. Your support keeps me going on the bad days and further sweetens the good ones. Today is a good one.

Much love to you and yours,

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